Red fruit oil increases trophoblast cells and decreases caspase-9 expression in placenta of lead exposed mice

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Portia Sumarsono
Widjiati Widjiati
Suherni Susilowati


Lead is able to pass through the placental barrier and interfere with fetal development. Red fruit has high antioxidant activity, due to carotenoids (pro-vitamin A), tocopherols (vitamin E) and unsaturated fatty acids. This study aims to examine the effect of red fruit oil towards placenta in pregnant mice before lead exposure.

This was a laboratory experimental post test only study, using 20 pregnant mice (Mus musculus) that were randomized into five groups. The negative control group was not exposed to lead; intervention group 0 (P0) was exposed to lead at 0.011 mg/20 g BW/day on days 6-15 of gestation. The intervention groups P1-P3 were given red fruit orally at 0.3 mL/20 g BW/day, 0.8 mL/20 g BW/day, 0.9 mL/20 g BW/day, respectively, before lead exposure. Normal trophoblast cell count and caspase-9 expression of trophoblasts were calculated. One-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney tests were used to analyze the data.

The intervention groups P2 and P3 given red fruit at 0.8 mL/20 g BW/day and 0.9 mL/20 g BW/day showed a significant increase in normal trophoblast cell count of 88.2% (p=0.024) and a decrease in caspase-9 expression of 70.8% compared with P0 to which was not given red fruit (p=0.020).

Red fruit increased normal trophoblast cell count by 88.2% and decreased caspase-9 expression by 70.8% in pregnant mice before lead exposure. It should be noted that red fuit may prevent oxidative damage to cells.

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How to Cite
Sumarsono, P., Widjiati, W., & Susilowati, S. (2016). Red fruit oil increases trophoblast cells and decreases caspase-9 expression in placenta of lead exposed mice. Universa Medicina, 35(2), 110–118.
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