Performance of osteoporosis self-assessment tool in detecting low bone mineral density in menopausal women

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Ignatio Rika Haryono
Nawanto Agung Prastowo


The osteoporosis self-assessment tool (OST) is a simple screening tool to assess risk of osteoporosis and to select high risk women for dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) examination. This study aimed to evaluate OST performance in detecting low bone mineral density (BMD) in menopausal women.

A cross-sectional study involving 60 menopausal women aged 50-65 years. The OST score was calculated from: [weight (kg) – age (yr)] x 0.2. Subjects were classified by OST score into low risk (OST ³2) and high risk (OST< 2) groups. BMD was determined by DXA at 3 bone locations (L1-L4, femoral neck, and total hip). DXA T-scores were categorized into: normal BMD (T-score >-1) and low BMD (T-score £-1). Independent t-test was used to compare subject characteristics between OST groups. Diagnostic performance of OST was evaluated by measuring sensitivity, specificity, positive & negative predictive value (PPV, NPV), positive & negative likelihood ratio (PLR, NLR) and receiver-operating characteristic (ROC). Significance was set at p<0.05.

Subject characteristics and BMD between groups were significantly different (p<0.05). Most subjects (44/73.3%) had high risk of low BMD (OST < 2). Low BMD (T score £-1) was found in 43 subjects (71.7%) at L1-L4, 41 subjects (68.3%) at femoral neck, and 37 subjects (61.7%) at total hip. Diagnostic performance of OST was significant at total hip BMD (sensitivity=0.946, AUC=0.777).

We conclude that use of the OST score in menopausal women is effective and has adequate sensitivity and specificity. The highest diagnostic performance of OST is on total hip BMD.

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Original Articles

Author Biographies

Ignatio Rika Haryono, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia

Department of Physiology, staff/lecturer

Nawanto Agung Prastowo, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia Catholic University of Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia

Staf, Department of Physiologi

How to Cite

Performance of osteoporosis self-assessment tool in detecting low bone mineral density in menopausal women. (2017). Universa Medicina, 36(2), 123-130.


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