Universa Medicina (UnivMed) is an official scientific publication of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Trisakti and is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. Universa Medicina is a four-monthly medical journal that publishes new research findings on a wide variety of topics of importance to biomedical science and clinical practice. Universa Medicina is a general medical journal that focuses on all aspects of human health.

Accredited journal based on Ministerial Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology / Head of National Research and Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia with First Grade (Peringkat 1, Sinta 1, Garuda) No. 148/M/KPT/2020 Volume 38 Number 3, 2019 to Volume 43 Number 2, 2024.

The Univ Med  journal has been indexed and abstracted and displayed in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection Database (Emerging Source Citation Index) (Q4 JCR)Dimensions-Digital Science, CABI ASEAN Citation IndexDOAJChemical Abstract Services (CAS), ROAD, National Library of Medicine, ICMJE, ICI, and SINTA.



Vol. 43 No. 3 (2024)

Published: 2024-12-12

The danger of puff bars in adolescents

  • 262-264
  • abstract viewed: 474
  • PDF: 269

Risk factors of tumor lysis syndrome in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Mia Ratwita Andarsini, Audylia Hartono, Andi Cahyadi, Maria Christina Shanty Larasati, Almeir Pradhipta Andras Asmara
  • 265-271
  • abstract viewed: 610
  • PDF: 217

Ethanol extract of Abrus precatorius L. leaves diminishes inflammatory responses in nicotine-treated human gingival fibroblasts: an in vitro study

Raden Roro Widorini Kesumaningtias, Indra Kusuma, Yulia Suciati, Wening Sari
  • 272-279
  • abstract viewed: 524
  • PDF: 161

Stereoacuity test as a screening tool for amblyopia and binocular vision in children 6-12 years of age

Ni Made Ayu Surasmiati, Krisnhaliani Wetarini , Made Paramita Wijayati , Ni Made Ari Suryathi
  • 280-286
  • abstract viewed: 547
  • PDF: 154

Acute effect of five different stretching strategies on speed and agility parameters in recreationally active women

Harun GENÇ, Ali Erdem CİĞERCİ, İbrahim AYDINLI
  • 287-296
  • abstract viewed: 525
  • PDF: 211

Risk factors of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in non-muscle- invasive bladder cancer

I Made Nugraha Gunamanta Sabudi, Ahmad Zulfan Hendri
  • 297-303
  • abstract viewed: 474
  • PDF: 143

Comparison of natural versus artificial cycles for endometrial preparation prior to frozen embryo transfer

Galuh Anindya Tyagitha, Kartiwa Hadi Nuryanto, Gita Pratama, Mila Maidarti, Achmad Kemal Harzif, Kanadi Sumapraja, Silvia Werdhy Lestari, Irfan Arieqal Hatta Ampri, Natasha Talya, Atika Mahira Yanfaunas
  • 304-312
  • abstract viewed: 468
  • PDF: 150

Low albumin-to-creatinine ratio: a novel predictor of 90-day mortality in hepatocellular carcinoma with liver cirrhosis

Kadek Mercu Narapati Pamungkas, Putu Itta Sandi Lesmana Dewi, Ni Luh Putu Yunia Dewi, Ni Nyoman Gita Kharisma Dewi, Dwijo Anargha Sindhughosa, I Ketut Mariadi
  • 313-320
  • abstract viewed: 475
  • PDF: 123

Relationship between presenting symptoms and tumor location in colorectal cancer patients

Fitri Dewi Ismida, Desi Maghfirah, Nurbahri L Salam, Fauzi Yusuf, Vera Dewi Mulia, Avisena Gatot Purnomo
  • 321-328
  • abstract viewed: 598
  • PDF: 134

The effect of saffron serum on collagen density, inflammatory gene expression, and autophagy in UVB-exposed Wistar rats

Chitra Octavia, Julia Windi Gunadi, Oeij Anindita Adhika, Lani Ishak, Diana Krisanti Jasaputra, Alexandrina Everdine Rosali, Ardo Sanjaya
  • 329-339
  • abstract viewed: 593
  • PDF: 159

Evaluating sarcopenia prevalence and relationship with disease activity of primary Sjögren syndrome in females

Pınar Özge Başaran, Dilek Eker Büyükşireci
  • 340-348
  • abstract viewed: 467
  • PDF: 138

Dysmenorrhea and recent treatment options in adolescents and young adults

Vanitha Innocent Rani , Biswajit Dash, Monica Nancy Lal, Muthu Prasanna P, Sovan Bagchi, V. Aruna, K. Suria Prabha
  • 349-362
  • abstract viewed: 932
  • PDF: 308

Early radial band deflation after transradial access coronary catheterization reduces complications: a systematic review

Rico Maulana Nugroho, Agung Waluyo, Tuti Herawati
  • 363-377
  • abstract viewed: 677
  • PDF: 227
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