Published: 2023-12-23

Time to treat the climate and nature crisis as one indivisible global health emergency

Kamran Abbasi, Parveen Ali, Virginia Barbour, Thomas Benfield, Kirsten Bibbins Domingo, Stephen Hancocks, Richard Horton, Laurie Laybourn Langton, Robert Mash, Peush Sahni, Wadeia Mohammad Sharief, Paul Yonga, Chris Zielinski
  • 251-254
  • abstract viewed: 732
  • PDF: 422

Evaluation of blood metal levels of hockey teams after playing on synthetic turf fields

Esin GULLU, Abdulsamet EFDAL, Abdullah GULLU, Ihsan CETIN
  • 255-262
  • abstract viewed: 951
  • PDF: 501

Effects of low-dose filtered kretek cigarette smoke on bronchial smooth muscle in male Sprague-Dawley rats

David Tjahyadi, Edy Parwanto, Sisca Sisca, Endrico Xavierees, Hosea Jaya Edy, Reza Aditya Digambiro, Ashaolu Victoria Oladimeji, Joey Joshua Vidova Tjahyadi, Laurentia Gabrielle
  • 263-275
  • abstract viewed: 1093
  • PDF: 598

Comparative analysis of KnockOut serum replacement and fetal bovine serum for in vitro culture of human dermal fibroblasts

Nur Ilham Risma Hidayati, Indra Kusuma, Eko Poerwanto
  • 283-293
  • abstract viewed: 1152
  • PDF: 680

Loneliness and depression levels as risk factors of pain in geriatric prostate cancer patients

Remziye CICI, Gulay YILMAZEL, Nur Pınar AYAZ
  • 294-302
  • abstract viewed: 846
  • PDF: 618

Profile of multidrug-resistant bacteria causing urinary tract infections in inpatients and outpatients in Jakarta and Tangerang

Yeva Rosana, Lina Herliyana, Grady Krisandi, Erike Anggraini Suwarsono
  • 303-313
  • abstract viewed: 1011
  • PDF: 541

Correlation of angle kappa with biometry and higher-order aberrations of cataract patients at Prof. Ngoerah Hospital Ophthalmology Clinic

Siska Siska, I Gusti Ayu Ratna Suryaningrum, Saphira Evani
  • 314-319
  • abstract viewed: 703
  • PDF: 473

Secretome hypoxia-mesenchymal stem cells decrease tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-18 in kidney of type 2 diabetes mellitus model rats

Risky Chandra Satria Irawan, Agung Putra, Trisnadi Setyo, Shabrina Syifa Ghaisani, Nurul Hidayah
  • 320-328
  • abstract viewed: 1056
  • PDF: 546

Role of sex steroid hormone on hand grip strength and cognitive function in the elderly

Edy Parwanto, David Tjahyadi, Husnun Amalia, Nany Hairunisa, Hosea Jaya Edy, Ashaolu Victoria Oladimeji, Noureddine Djebli
  • 329-345
  • abstract viewed: 1014
  • PDF: 488

Protective role of melatonin in ultraviolet radiation- induced oxidative stress in human skin photoaging

Maria Veronica Putri Suyanto, I Gusti Ayu Widianti
  • 346-359
  • abstract viewed: 2030
  • PDF: 635